Contrary to what most people believe, addictions are all caused by the same core driver – whether it’s an addiction to food; smoking; alcohol; drugs; exercise; sex; shopping; gambling; or anything else, the driver is the same. Robert has helped countless people who were addicted to everything from soda to crack cocaine – to free themselves from the addiction and go on to live happy, healthy, fulfilling lives.What Causes Addiction?
At the root of every addiction is the need to escape from pain. The type of pain will vary, but the drive to escape from it will be the same. Addiction is a coping skill. The reason this is often not recognized by the addict is that the conscious mind is completely unaware of the driver. The subconscious is running the addiction “behind the scenes” – just as it is running everything else.How Does it Work?
The subconscious refers to the references it holds – which can be very complex, and will be unique to each person. It then triggers a chemical reaction in the brain and body that leads to the compulsion for the substance or behavior of addiction. Somewhere along the line, the person has developed the coping skill of “escaping” their pain using this particular behavior or substance, and the brain and body have become dependent. They will usually, consciously, be completely unaware of the original cause.Why are Success Rates for Most Rehabilitation Programs So Low?
Addressing only the addiction itself is like cutting off the branches of a weed. Unless you remove the root, it will simply continue to regrow those branches – and you’ll need to keep cutting them, or they’ll take over completely. FasterEFT goes to the root – which is the original trauma that is driving the addiction – and addresses that first. Only after addressing the original trauma and other references supporting the addiction, does Robert then address the addictive behavior. And by then, without the original trauma driving the addiction, the person is able to experience permanent changes to their behavior.FasterEFT and Alcohol and Drug Addiction
Robert developed his powerful addiction protocol (which he now teaches to Level 4 Eutaptics students in his live seminars) while volunteering at a long-term residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in Hawaii: Habilitat. Using this FasterEFT addiction protocol, working with Habilitat, Robert was able to help hard-core addicts free themselves from drugs as powerful as meth and heroin – empowering them to return to their families and lead happy, successful, healthy lives.
Who can Benefit From Faster EFT
Since FasterEFT works directly with the subconscious mind, and since the subconscious mind controls the brain and body, anyone who is willing to use FasterEFT can create transformations in any area of their life. Your perspective, perception, behaviors, habits, communication, self-image, decisions, choices, and everything else, is controlled by your subconscious mind. Using FasterEFT to change the references in the subconscious mind will result in automatic changes in all areas of your life – physical, emotional, mental, social, relationships, and everything else! With FasterEFT, you need never be controlled by anything outside of you again! You get to decide how you wish to experience all areas of your life – every moment of your life. Here are just a few of the conditions that can benefit from FasterEFT:- Anxiety
- Low Self-Esteem
- Pain
- Phobias
- Creative Blocks
- Weight
- Depression
- Grief & Loss
- Cravings
- Headaches
- Addiction
- Insomnia
- Bad Habits
- Disease
- Allergies
- Self Improvement
- CFS/Burnout/Stress
- Trauma
- Relationships
- Energy
- Fears
Feel Like Your Old Self Again
Let’s Change Your Life
“You don’t have to settle – quickly and effectively make the changes you want to see in your life.”
Book RobertSkills To Change Institute, Inc
Robert Gene Smith
3621 NW 50th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
(405) 917-5258 phone
(405) 601-8059 fax