
the next level of human empowerment

Although using FasterEFT to make changes in your life can be simple in its basic form (changing the references in the subconscious by changing memories), since the subconscious will usually do whatever it takes to keep us safe, this task is not always as straight-forward as it could be. There can be several challenges in using FasterEFT – for yourself, and for helping others:

1.  Finding the core memories that are providing the structure for a specific problem.

2.  Getting past both conscious and subconscious resistance, in order to change those memories.

While we can easily change certain memories, without any resistance at all, when there is a strong emotional charge to the memory (as is often the case with trauma, and other bad memories), it can be more difficult.

What is Eutaptics?

Eutaptics is an advanced and thorough training system, created by Robert Gene and the Skills to Change Training Committee, that has been designed to help every participant get the most out of FasterEFT. Eutaptics provides a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of how the mind works, and how the mind and body work together, as well as guidance in developing the skills it takes to use the FasterEFT techniques effectively on any issue.

In his Eutaptics training seminars, Robert Gene spends seven full days, making sure that participants fully grasp the process of how the mind and body work together to produce results in our lives – whether those results are desired or unwanted. With a strong foundation in how this works, Robert then goes on to cover the process of finding the core, key memories that are providing the structure for any particular problem. From emotional issues, to physical conditions and illnesses; from relationship problems, to challenging circumstances – the Eutaptics system is designed to provide the tools and techniques for finding and changing the memories that are providing the references within the subconscious.

Feel Like Your Old Self Again

Let’s Change Your Life

“You don’t have to settle – quickly and effectively make ​the changes you want to see in your life.”

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Skills To Change Institute, Inc

Robert Gene Smith

3621 NW 50th Street

Oklahoma City, OK 73112

(405) 917-5258 phone

(405) 601-8059 fax

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